First Vice-President of the Association of Plastic Surgeons from Romania. Member of the European Academy of Aesthetic Surgery. FOUNDER of Medical Brol Center
Primary Doctor Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Primary physician in plastic and reconstructive surgery, PhD in medical sciences since 2008 University Professor at Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Head of the Discipline of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Microsurgery Coordinator of the training program for plastic surgery residents Coordinator of the national subprogram of breast reconstruction by endoprotection for oncologic disease, Elected President of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Dept.
Regina Elena National Cancer Institute of Rome
Coordinatorof the Breast Unit at National Cancer Institute of Rome
Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Oldenburg,Germany
Department for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Hand Surgery
Medic primar, supraspecializare ginecologie oncologică şi chirurgie oncologică, master în advanced oncology (Universitatea Ulm, Germania), doctor în ştiinţe medicale are o bogată activitate profesională, didactică şi de cercetare.
Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Medicine Carol Davila, Bucharest Head of the 2nd Surgical Oncology Department, Institute of Oncology “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu “ Bucharest . President of the Romanian Society of Breast Surgery and Oncology
Romanian Senator and Minister of Health in the Grindeanu and Tudose Governments
Coordinator of general surgery residents of the "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" of Timisoara
Coordinator of general surgery residents of the "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" of Timisoara
Primary Physician Plastic Surgery. He is the Elected President of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
President of the Romanian Society of Phlebology
Professor in Plastic Surgery · Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Medic primar Chirurgie Plastica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva
Șef Secție Chirurgie Plastica Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti
Prof. univ. dr. la Universitatea de Medicina Carol Davila Bucuresti
Doctor in Stiinte Medicale, Medic Primar in Chirurgie Plastica, Estetica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva
Conferentiar Universitar in cadrul Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie "Carol Davila", departamentul de Chirurgie plastica.
Sef de Sectie Chirurgie Plastica la Spitalul Clinic De Urgenta "Sf. Ioan", Bucuresti.
Associate Professor · Timisoara University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Coordinator of the Severe Burns Unit, "Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu" Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest and Member of the Board of Directors of "Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu" Emergency Clinical Hospital, "Carol Davila" University of Fine Arts, Bucharest
Spitalul Clinic Judetean De Urgenta Timisoara
General Surgery
Surgical Oncology
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Vice president of the Romanian Society of Breast Surgery and Oncology
Gynaecological Oncology
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Vice president of the Romanian Society of Breast Surgery and Oncology
General Surgery
Surgical Oncology
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Fellowship in General Surgery,
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Scientific Officer,
Romanian Society of Breast Surgery and Oncology
General Surgery
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Plastic Surgery Resident, Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest PhD Student, UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest
Resident doctor
General Surgery
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
PhD student
Resident doctor
General Surgery
Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu" Bucharest
Specialist in general surgery with a special interest in breast oncology
Bariatric surgery and medical aesthetics